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2007-03-31 15:19



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2007-03-29 21:26



郁闷之余,想要自己去买一个空间,在我要安家(www.wyaj.com)上先找了一个空间试用了一下。开始的时候还是想用wordpress来做一个博客,保持原有的状态嘛,但是不管是从哪里下载来的中文版最终都只能是英文版的后台,前台对中文的支持也差强人意。无奈之余,恰好看到ivy同学做了一个内幕网(www.315nm.com ps:还是人家有钱,注册域名都是.com的……)用的是我以前用过的supesite(Discuz!论坛),在试验了WP多次之后,放弃,选择使用了SS。





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2007-03-23 22:36




安装 WordPress

WordPress 以其安装简单而闻名于世。在大多数情况下,安装 WordPress 是一个非常简单的过程,使用不到 5 分钟便可完成。下面的安装指南可以帮助您,或是在 5 分钟之内完成安装,或是了解更详细的安装信息。

开始安装 WordPress 前您需要了解的事情






  1. 检查一下,确保您和您的 Web 主机满足运行 WordPress 的最小需求

  2. 下载最新版本的 WordPress。

  3. 解压缩下载的文件到您硬盘上的一个文件夹中。

  4. 打印本页面以在安装阶段随时参考。

著名的 5 分钟安装步骤


  1. 如果您还没有下载,那么先下载并解压缩 WordPress 包。

  2. 在您的服务器上创建一个数据库,和一个拥有访问和修改这个新数据库权限的 MySQL 用户。

  3. wp-config-sample.php 文件重命名为 wp-config.php

  4. 使用您喜爱的文本编辑器打开 wp-config.php输入您的数据库详细信息

  5. 将 WordPress 文件放置到 Web 服务器合适的目录中:

    • 如果您想整合 WordPress 到您域名的根位置 (例如 http://example.com/),将解压缩的 wordpress 文件夹 (但不包括目录自身) 中的所有内容移动或上传到 Web 服务器的根目录。

    • 如果您想将 WordPress 安装在您网站下的一个子目录中 (例如 http://example.com/blog/),将解压缩的 wordpress 文件夹重命名为您想要的子目录名称,然后移动或上传到您的 Web 服务器根目录中。例如,如果您想将 WordPress 安装在名为“blog”的子目录中,您应该将解压缩的名为“wordpress”的文件夹重命名为“blog”并上传到 Web 服务器的根目录中。

  6. 在您喜爱的 Web 浏览器中访问 wp-admin/install.php 以运行 WordPress 安装程序。

就这么多! WordPress 现在应该已经安装成功。




http://wordpress.org/download/ 下载并解压缩 WordPress 压缩包。中文版请到 http://www.gtp2p.com/ 下载。

  • 如果您要上传 WordPress 到一个远程 Web 服务器,使用您喜爱的 Web 浏览器下载 WordPress 压缩包到您的电脑并将其解压缩。

  • 如果您有 Web 服务器的 Shell 访问权限,并习惯使用命令提示符工具,您可能愿意用 wget (或 lynx 或其它基于控制台的 Web 浏览器) 直接下载 WordPress 到 Web 服务器,避免使用 FTP 服务:

WordPress 压缩包将被解压缩到 latest.tar.gz 文件所在的一个名为 wordpress 的子目录中。


如果您使用主机提供商的主机,他们可能已经为您设置好了一个 WordPress 数据库,或者有一个自动设置数据库的程序。查看您的主机提供商的技术支持页面或是您的控制面板,可以获知您是否需要手动创建数据库。

如果您确定需要手动创建一个数据库,请遵照说明在各种服务器中访问 phpMyAdmin,或是遵照下面的说明使用 cPanel使用 phpMyAdmin

如果您是在自己的 Web 服务器上安装 WordPress,请遵照下面的说明使用 phpMyAdmin使用 MySQL 客户端 来创建 WordPress 数据库和用户。

步骤三:设置 wp-config.php

wp-config.php 中您需要修改的部分是:

// ** MySQL 设置 ** // 
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress');     // 数据库名称 
define('DB_USER', 'username');      // MySQL 用户名 
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); // ...和密码 
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');     // 在 99% 的情况下您无需修改这个值
  1. 回到您在步骤一中解压缩的 WordPress 文件包,将其中的文件 wp-config-sample.php 重命名为 wp-config.php

  2. 用您喜爱的文本编辑器打开重命名的 wp-config.php 文件,修改上面提到的那部分代码:
    您在步骤二中为 WordPress 创建的数据库名。
    您在步骤二中为 WordPress 创建的数据库用户的名称。
    您在步骤二中为 WordPress 数据库用户选择的密码。
    您在步骤二中获知的数据库主机名 (通常为 localhost,但不一定)。

  3. 保存这个文件。

要了解更详细的信息,以及创建配置文件的手把手的介绍,请参考编辑 wp-config.php


现在您需要决定您的 Blog 放在自己网站的什么位置:

注意:您的 Web 根目录在 Web 服务器文件系统中,不同的主机提供商和操作系统是不一样的。如果您不知道它是什么,请询问您的主机提供商或系统管理员。


  • 如果您需要上传文件的 Web 服务器,请使用您喜爱的 FTP 客户端将 wordpress 目录中的所有文件 (但不包含这个目录自身) 上传到网站的根目录。

  • 如果文件已经在 Web 服务器上了,并且您有 Shell 访问权限来安装 WordPress,那么将 wordpress 目录中的所有文件 (但不包含这个目录自身) 移动到网站的根目录。


  • 如果您需要上传文件的 Web 服务器,首先将 wordpress 目录重命名为您需要的名称,然后使用您喜爱的 FTP 客户端将这个目录中的所有文件 (包含这个目录自身) 上传到网站根目录内您需要的子目录下。

  • 如果文件已经在 Web 服务器上了,并且您有 Shell 访问权限来安装 WordPress,那么将 wordpress 目录移动到您需要的网站根目录内您需要的子目录下,然后将它重命名为您需要的名称


在您喜爱的 Web 浏览器中访问 wp-admin/install.php 以运行 WordPress 安装程序。




  • 返回到步骤二步骤三,确认您得到了正确的数据库信息,并正确的设置了 wp-config.php

  • 确认您在步骤三中为 WordPress 的数据库用户赋予了足够的权限。

  • 确认数据库服务器正在运行。


下面是最常见的安装问题。要了解更多 WordPress 安装问题的解决方法,请参考安装常见问题解答

:我看见很多 Headers already sent 错误。我如何修复?
:您可能在编辑 wp-config.php 时出现了语法错误。

  1. 下载 wp-config.php (如果您没有 Shell 权限)。

  2. 用您喜爱的文本编辑器打开。

  3. 检查一下,文件的第一行应当只包含 >?php,并且在它之前没有任何字符 (空格也不能有)。

  4. 检查一下,文件的最后一行应当只包含 ?<,并且在它之后没有任何字符 (空格也不能有)。

  5. 保存文件,如果需要,将其重新上传,然后在浏览器中刷新页面。

:我的页面乱七八糟。当我查看网页源代码时我看到了许多“>?php ?<”标签。
:如果 >?php ?< 标签被发送到浏览器,说明您的 PHP 工作不正常。所有的 PHP 代码都应当在服务器向浏览器发送 HTML 代码之前执行完毕。(这就是它被称为处理程序的原因。) 请确认您的 Web 服务器符合运行 WordPress 的需求,PHP 被正确安装和配置,获知联系您的主机提供商或系统管理员以寻求帮助。

:尝试重置您的 MySQL 密码。如果您有 Shell 访问 MySQL 的权限,尝试执行 SQL 语句:

SET PASSWORD FOR 'wordpressusername'@'hostname' = OLD_PASSWORD('password');

如果您使用的 MySQL 版本早于 4.1,使用 PASSWORD 替换 OLD_PASSWORD。如果您没有 Shell 访问权限,您应该可以简单的在 phpMyAdmin 中执行上面的 SQL 语句。如果还是有错误提示,您可能需要使用主机的控制面板为您的数据库用户重置密码。


要了解如何为 WordPress 安装其它语言,参见让 WordPress 说您的语言

安装多个 Blog

参见安装多个 Blog 一文。

在自己的电脑上安装 WordPress

如果您家里有足够强劲的电脑,和足够快的互联网连接,您可能想使用自己的电脑作为服务器,省下购买主机空间的钱。下面的教程会指导您如何配置一个服务器环境,并在自己的电脑上安装 WordPress。


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2007-03-09 11:29

一条猎狗将兔子赶出了窝,一直追赶他,追了很久仍没有捉到。牧羊看到此种情景,讥笑猎狗说你们两个之间小的反而跑得快得多。猎狗回答说:你不知道 我们两个跑的是完全不同的!我仅仅为了一顿饭而跑,他却是为了性命而跑呀!





猎人经过思考后,决定不将分得骨头的数量与是否捉到兔子挂钩,而是采用每过一段时间,就统计一次猎狗捉到兔子的总重量.按照重量来评价猎狗,决定一段时间内的待遇。于是猎狗们捉到兔子的数量和重量都增加了。猎人很开心。但是过了一段时间, 猎发现,猎狗们捉兔子的数量又少了,而且越有经验的猎狗,捉兔子的数量下降的就越利害.于是猎人又去问猎狗。猎狗说我们把最好的时间都奉献给了您,主人,但是我们随着时间的推移会老,当我们捉不到兔子的时候,您还会给我们骨头吃吗?


猎人做了论功行赏的决定。分析与汇总了所有猎狗捉到兔子的数量与重量,规定如果捉到的兔子超过了一定的数量后,即使捉不到兔子,每顿饭也可以得到一定数量的骨头. 猎狗们都很高兴,大家都努力去达到猎人规定的数量。一段时间过后,终于有一些猎狗达到了猎人规定的数量。这时,其中有一只猎狗说:我们这么努力,只得到几根骨头,而我们捉的猎物远远超过了这几根骨头。我们为什么不能给自己捉兔子呢?”于是,有些猎狗离开了猎人,自己捉兔子去了。


猎人意识到猎狗正在流失,并且那些流失的猎狗像野狗一般和自己的猎狗抢兔子。情况变得越来越糟,猎人不得已引诱了一条野狗,问他到底野狗比猎狗强在那里。 野狗说:猎狗吃的是骨头,吐出来的是肉啊!,接着又道:也不是所有的野狗都顿顿有肉吃,大部分最后骨头都没的舔!不然也不至于被你诱惑。于是猎人进行了改革,使得每条猎狗除基本骨头外,可获得其所猎兔肉总量的n%,而且随着服务时间加长,贡献变大,该比例还可递增,并有权分享猎人总兔肉的m%。就这样,猎狗们与猎人一起努力,将野狗们逼得叫苦连天,纷纷强烈要求重归猎狗队伍。故事还在继续。



Birth of MicroBone Co.


Development of MicroBone Co.

MicroBone公司许诺给加盟的野狗能得到公司n%的股份。这实在是太有诱惑力了。这些自认为是怀才不遇的野狗们都以为找到了知音:终于做公司的主人了,不用再忍受猎人们呼来唤去的不快,不用再为捉到足够多的兔子而累死累活,也不用眼巴巴地乞求猎人多给两跟骨头而扮得楚楚可怜。这一切对这些野狗来说,这比多吃两根骨头更加受用。于是野狗们拖家带口地加入了MicroBone,一些在猎人门下的年轻猎口也开始蠢蠢欲动,甚至很多自以为聪明实际愚蠢的猎人也想加入。好多同类型的公司象雨后春笋般地成立了,BoneEase Bone.com ChinaBone….一时间,森林里热闹起来。

F4 的诞生

猎人凭借出售公司的钱走上了老猎狗走过的路,最后千辛万苦要与MicroBone公司谈判的时候,老猎狗出人意料的顺利答应了猎人,把MicroBone公司卖给了猎人。老猎狗们从此不再经营公司,转而开始写自转《老猎狗的一生》,又写:《如何成为出色的猎狗》,《如何从一只普通猎狗成为一只管理层的猎狗》《猎狗成功秘诀》《成功猎狗500条》《穷猎狗,富猎狗》,并且将老猎狗的故事搬上屏幕,取名《猎狗花园》, 四只老猎狗成为了家喻户晓的明星F4. 收版权费,没有风险,利润更高。

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2007-03-06 21:44




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2007-03-06 09:25




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2007-03-04 18:50











相传汉武帝时宫中有一位宫女,名叫“元宵”,长年幽于宫中,思念父母,终日以泪洗面。大臣东方朔决心帮助她,于是对汉武帝谎称,火神奉玉帝之命于正月十五火烧长安,要逃过动难,唯一的办法是让“元宵姑娘”在正月十五这天作很多火神爱吃的汤圆 ,,并由全体臣民张灯供奉。武帝准凑,“元宵姑娘”终于见到家人。此后,便形成了元宵节。


元宵又叫汤圆,历史上还有许多别称 “面茧、粉果、元宝、汤 饼、圆不落角”等等,直至明永乐年间才被正式定名为“元宵”.元宵分有馅,无馅两种。无馅的个小,味甜,以白糖、桂圆、桂花、藕丁、蜜饯为佐料,又称“珍珠汤圆”,有馅的个大,状如核桃。北方元宵多为甜馅,有白糖、豆 沙、芝 麻、山楂等类,南方的则甜、咸、荤、素皆有,尤以宁波汤圆,贵阳吴家汤圆著称。


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2007-03-04 13:09







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class="post-140 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-memory tag-windows-live-writer">

Live Writer官方介绍中英对译&下载地址

2007-02-28 12:26

Windows Live Writer是一个桌面所见即所得应用程序,可以制作blog的投递,与Windows LiveSpaces或者您现在的blog服务协同使用.它可以让您的blog更新更为轻松简便,让每一个人快乐!内含更为详细的介绍和配图.
Update: 中英文对照, 十分感谢HideCloud.

下载:Windows Live Writer

WYSIWYG Authoring

The first thing to notice about Writer is that it enables true WYSIWYG blog authoring. You can now author your post and know exactly what it will look like before you publish it. Writer knows the styles of your blog such as headings, fonts, colors, background images, paragraph spacing, margins and block quotes and enables you to edit your post using these styles.

Writer also includes other views including HTML source-code editing and web preview mode.

Now you don’t have to waste time going through the process of publishing, refreshing, previewing, and tweaking your post to get it looking the way you want. It’s all right there in Writer as you create your post.





Photo Publishing

Writer makes inserting, customizing, and uploading photos to your blog a snap. You can insert a photo into your post by browsing image thumbnails through the “Insert Picture” dialog or by copying and pasting from a web page.

Once you’ve inserted the picture, Writer provides contextual editing tools to modify size, text wrapping, borders, and apply graphic effects. Writer also allows you specify a smaller thumbnail to that will link to a larger image for detailed viewing.

Photos can be either uploaded directly to your weblog provider (if they support the newMediaObject API) or to an FTP server.





Map Publishing

Whether you are blogging about a vacation or a political conflict, maps are a great help in engaging the imagination of your readers. You can do this using Writer’s ability to insert a Windows Live Local map directly into a post.

Even better is that the map can be customized directly within Writer – including changing the view to show road, aerial or bird’s eye detail and by adding pushpins (including custom links and/or photos for each pushpin).

When readers click on the map they get a larger view on the Windows Live Local site.


当你在写一篇关于假期或,地图能很好的帮助增进读者的想象力。你能使用Writer的直接插入“Windows Live Local”地图。

当读者点击此地图时,会链接到Windows Live Local的主站上。

Writer SDK

Already thinking of other cool stuff you want to insert into your blog? Good!

The Windows Live Writer SDK allows developers to extend the capabilities of Writer to publish additional content types. Examples of content types that can be added include:

  1. Images from online photo publishing sites
  2. Embedded video or audio players
  3. Product thumbnails and/or links from e-commerce sites
  4. Tags from tagging services

We can’t wait to see all the things people cook up with the SDK!

Writer SDK


windows live writer sdk允许开发者来扩展writer的能力。能增加的内容类型如下:




Writer is a great client for Windows Live Spaces but also works with other weblogs including Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, WordPress (and many others).

Writer supports RSD (Really Simple Discoverability), the Metaweblog API, and the Movable Type API.


Writer是一个很好的windows live spaces客户端。但它也能和其他blog服务商很好的工作,例如:blogger,livejournal,typepad,wordpress(及其他)。

Writer支持RSD(Really Simple Discoverability),及Metaweblog API,和Movable Type API。

We want Writer to work well with every blogging service out there. If you can’t get Writer to work with your blog, we want to know.

Stay Tuned

We will continue to post updates and other information on the product to this Space in the coming weeks. Please subscribe to our RSS feed or visit again soon to get the most current information on Windows Live Writer.

J.J. Allaire,
Windows Live Writer


hidecloud 翻译

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2007-02-24 22:13



The Top 10 Ways to Earn Money at Home

You do not have to read many success stories before you start wishing you could work for yourself. The opportunity to be your own boss and the potential for high income are enough to entice us to venture on our own. But what can you do? What kind of business would you be suitable to start? We have compiled the top 10 ways to earn money at home, enough to be a full-time self-employed businessperson!

1. Antiques
The buying and selling of antiques has been and should continue to be a very productive business, financially, for those that do it. Here, you only need an extra room in the house, or the use of your garage — and you have an office! If you have a large home that has some antique furnishings, you might consider turning it into a showroom for your antique acquisitions and sales, providing you satisfy any local zoning regulations. The interest in antiques will survive into the foreseeable future. Many people choose to spend their free time on the weekends “antiquating” from place to place to try and pick up a few odds or ends and maybe a jewel or two. If you know anything about antiques, this may be a great opportunity for you.

2. Baking
Have you ever been told that you have a recipe that people would line up to get if they could? Ever had anyone tell you that you should be selling those cupcakes you make? There are a number of success stories about people who have launched successful businesses by cooking at home and then marketing to local people first. You may specialize in on just one well-tried and tested food product; or you may innovate on a product that you created yourself and which has never been marketed before. Having perfected the recipe you then turn to packaging and marketing. Word of mouth on a good product may start to get restaurants or bakeries interested in acquiring your culinary masterpieces. Then you progress to selling them statewide and you’re on your way to a profitable home-based business.

3. Bed-and-Breakfast Proprietors
Have you ever stayed in a bed and breakfast and thought, “Hey, I can do this!” You probably went on vacation and simply chalked your thought up as one of those pipedreams one gets when they stay in a beautiful spot. Don’t toss that thought away! While it’s not easy work as the hours can be long and it’s usually a seven days per week business, it’s often something that you can work into a daily schedule. After all, it’s merely an extension of doing the housework for family, right? More and more Americans are taking after Europeans and opening their homes to travelers. If you have an extra room or two since the kids moved out, you can start a bed and breakfast in your own place! Bed and breakfast popularity will continue as more and more vacationers and business travelers seek a different accommodation away from the predictability of the average hotel room. If they enjoy their stay, many become “repeat” customers, coming back to the same familiar surroundings time and again. If you don’t need to do any major renovations in the house to accommodate this type of establishment, you can be off and running with very little money invested, other than advertising and some new “guest room supplies”. If your dream is to buy a bed and breakfast somewhere in a vacation paradise, there are probably houses for sale that will work for this purpose.

4. Childcare
Due to the financial pressures faced by many families today, parents work outside of the home to bring in enough income to pay daily living expenses. A single parent is obviously working but all too often, both members of a two-parent family are in the workforce. This creates a home-based opportunity. Children must be watched, all day if they’re not in school, or, otherwise, for a brief time after school before the parents finish work for the day. Most parents want their children immersed in a more stimulating environment than is usual with the average babysitter. You can begin small at home, offering a more stimulating and educational environment setting for client children. Caring for one additional child may not be that lucrative, but taking care of several children can certainly be a full-time, financially successful business. Often, taking care of several children is made somewhat easier as the youngsters often will play together. You can do this at home for only a small investment in basic equipment and toys for the kids in addition to the advertising of your business.

5. Computer Specialist

The advent of the computer age has changed the concept of self-employment. Having a computer at home has opened a number of opportunities for running your own business utilizing this equipment. Companies everywhere are “outsourcing” work that can be done by someone else on their computer, out of their own home. If you are a whiz in computers, you may end up working as a consultant, writing programs for companies. If you are a beginner, you may find yourself able to obtain work as a writer, using your computer to produce copy that is easy to edit. You can also keep accounting and payroll records for companies on your computer’s database. Word processing software can be used not only for writers but for those that can offer secretarial services out of their house. Desktop publishing software can allow you to do newsletters for businesses and other organizations. If you can operate a computer, you can find work in the information age today. Of course, the advent of the Web has opened a lot of business opportunities for the enterprising individuals. If you have skills in lay-outing and graphic design, you can be a website designer. Website designers earn significant amounts of money nowadays.

6. Gardening
If you like working in your garden each year , it’s a definite possibility for home-based employment. Imagine clearing a little more space and growing more items that you can sell directly to the consumer. You can produce vegetables, bedding plants, bonzai tree, exotic plants, flower trees, herb, house plants, landscaping plants, orchids and many more. Most produce stands will buy from you if your product is one of high quality. If you enjoy gardening, this could be your ticket! If you have some more land to use, do it! Plant what you can, when you can! Contact your local produce stands to ascertain their buying habits. You can even inquire about your own produce stand if you have enough product. The more space you have on your land, the more likely you will be able to generate enough crops to run the business. People love homegrown vegetables. They just do not have the time or want to be bothered doing it themselves. That is your open door! You can also engage in selling other gardening products and supplies such as compost, earthworms, herb boxes, beneficial bugs, or drip irrigation systems.

7. Importer and Distributor
There are a substantial number of products manufactured in other countries that can be bought inexpensively and sold in your country at a profitable level. The Government and the formation of international trade organizations have made it easier to bring in other products from other countries. This is a business easily operated out of the home, depending on the types of stock you’re carrying. You may have to rent some storage space, but the capital required to start should essentially be limited to the products you’re buying to sell here. If you know the type of product you want to import and the market most likely to purchase your goods, you have great potential for a successful home-based business.

8. Interior Decorator
Interior decorating is a business that will require you to be mobile, constantly meeting with customers. It offers flexible hours, a good variety of activities, and a very lucrative return. If you have a fascination for decorating a home, this could be your line of work. Many people do not know where to start when they are remodeling or buying a house for the first time. If you have the knowledge of colors and patterns and what looks good together, plus the expertise of knowing where to get materials and furnishings, this can be a winning home-based business for you. To be able to decorate a room so that it conveys the mood that the homeowner wishes will be your goal. Strive for the skillful, personal touch in all you design.

9. Photographer
The sky is the limit here! Armed with your trusty camera and some good advertising, you can do weddings, models, family portraits, passports, student photos, local newspaper coverage; almost anything that requires a picture! You can easily start this work, part-time, and work into full-time work based on your success and inclination. Not much equipment is necessary to get going as a camera off the store shelf can often do the trick today. Picking up a tripod and having a room sufficient for developing your pictures, and you’re in business — at home!

10. Sewing and Alterations
Many people love to sew. If you are one of them, consider offering this service out of your home. When someone buys a new outfit, it rarely fits perfectly, meaning some kind of alteration must be done. People look long and hard to find reliable individuals to do their alterations. If you can sew, you are well on your way to opening the doors of this type of business.